
1. Project Organizers

1.1. LUR GOZOA, Association for Conscious Citizenry []

LUR GOZOA – Asociación para una Ciudadanía Consciente (Association for a Conscious Citizenry).

LUR GOZOA was founded in Bilbao, Spain in 2001 as a not-for-profit civil society association with the mission of promoting the development of a conscious, mature citizenry committed to the future of the community and to advance and disseminate an Increasingly Integral Culture.

LUR GOZOA advances constant social innovation, raising the consciousness of the citizenry by:
  • Organizing processes of deep reflection on the values that are sustaining society, 
  • Innovating in key concepts that are directing policies and citizen participation. 
  • Promoting the creativity and commitment of the citizenry 
  • Appealing to the purpose of service of our institutions 
  • Directing attention to intangible results of our activities 
  • Creating collaborative networks for social transformation 
We offer Experiential Programs for Leadership Development for Citizens and we are specialized in the development of processes for inclusive citizen participation involving peer-to-peer participation of men and women of all ages coming from diverse spheres of activity and social, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds.

1.2. MIRRA, Association for Woman's Leadership []

Mirra is a not-for-profit women’s association founded in Bilbao en 2003. Mirra proposes a process of “self-leadership” anchored in a woman’s inner strength, the source of her power, and defends the responsibility of each woman in her unique evolutionary process, born from contact with her own needs and aspirations. Self-leadership helps us to acknowledge and appreciate our capabilities and to make them grow by offering them to society.

Through Mirra’s activities, the association offers women spaces and methodologies that facilitate the identification and overcoming of limiting beliefs and behaviors that impede the development of our full potential. We offer consciousness-raising processes that are aimed at women who wish to develop their self-leadership and their vision and put these into action promoting social innovation in their sphere of influence.

Mirra promotes the integration of the visions of the masculine and the feminine in the establishment of priorities and in decision making processes at all levels thus promoting more efficient collaboration in favor of common objectives.

Lur Gozoa and Mirra are the organizers of the II International Dreams in Action Unconference: “Living in the Era of Art”, born of the evolution of our trajectory of promoting processes of citizen participation and has, as its immediate predecessor the I International Dreams in Action Unconference: “Wings for Dreaming, Hands for Doing” [].

2. International Partner Organizations

2.1. FENIKS, Association for Human Development and Innovative Actions (Croacia) []

FENIKS is a not-for-profit association founded on the island of Murter, Croacia en 2011. The main reason for being of Feniks is the foundation of the International Center for the Human Development and Innovative Action, the construction of which is to begin in 2014 on the island of Murter.

The Center will include an international university campus and a Social Innovation Laboratory. The purpose of the Center is to support the innovative development of the island together with the collaboration of the local community and global experience including its resources, wisdom and ideas. In addition it will serve as a meeting place for different types of entrepreneurs and changemakers.

This exchange will be realized by favoring the interaction of the participants and by way of the culmination of ideas and collaborative projects within the area of sustainable entrepreneurship. At the same time, the framework to achieve this will include values based on co-creation, innovation, reciprocity, respect, integral reflexive practice, esthetics, beauty, and a proactive attitude.

The events that will be offered by the Center include different kinds of seminars, conferences, educational programs, investigations and touristic activities carried out in collaboration with local and international partners that are already supporting the project.

2.2. CLUB OF AMSTERDAM (Holanda) []

The Club of Amsterdam is an independent, international, future-oriented think tank involved in channeling preferred futures. It involves those who dare to think out of the box and those who don't just talk about the future but actively participate in shaping outcomes. We organize events, seminars and summits on relevant issues and publish findings & proceedings through various off-line and online media channels. Our goal is to become a global player and catalyst for innovation in industries, science and society. We currently have more than 4.300 members worldwide. The events are held in the evening and structured in two parts: Knowledge, and Sharing. The audience is from industry, science, education, government, ...and is also mixed in age and origin. We often have more than 15 nations present. The events are promoted through a network of more than 1.000 journalists, our Club of Amsterdam Journal (4.200 subscribers worldwide), social networks (4.000 members), and our website.

Club Amsterdam is a not-for-profit foundation registered in Holland.

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